Diocese of Burlington - Parish directory, administrative offices, ministries, prayer, events bulletin board, video library, and diocesan news. - http://www.vermontcatholic.org/
Vermont Conference United Church of Christ - Denominational body provides organization news and information, resources available for loan, and directory of local churches. - http://www.vtcucc.org/
Episcopal Diocese of Vermont - A resource for finding churches, organizations, and contacts for the Episcopal church in the state. Includes a calendar of activities, and online application forms for grants and conferences. - http://www.dioceseofvermont.org/
Religion in Vermont - Religious makeup of Vermont is described. Statistical and church membership data from various sources are provided. - http://www.adherents.com/loc/loc_vermont.html
Vermont 4 Jesus - Information about the Christian movement in Vermont, with special emphasis on the annual March for Jesus events. There is also information on many of the State's outreach ministries, and a special section of inspirational stories, Christian humor, and imp - http://j4tb.com/vt4jesus/