VocRehab Vermont - Enables people with disabilities to find meaningful employment. Also serve employers through job placement, training and development for persons with disabilities. - http://vocrehab.vermont.gov/
Department of Aging & Disabilities - Provides useful information to older persons, children and adults with disabilities. - http://dail.vermont.gov/
Vermont Interpreter Referral Service (VIRS) - Provides statewide interpreter and cart services, advocacy for deaf clients, training opportunities for interpreters and serves as an informational resource throughout the state. - http://www.virs.org/
Vermont Parent Information Center - Dedicated to increasing and expanding educational and developmental opportunities that improve the quality of life for children with special needs and their families. - http://www.vtpic.com/
Parent to Parent of Vermont - An organization of parents offering support and information to parents of children diagnosed as having a disability or special health care need. News, organizational information, survey data, and programs. - http://www.partoparvt.org/
Vermont Center for Independent Living - Advocacy and service for people with disabilities and deaf on issues of accessible housing, transportation, attendant care, employment, information and referral, meals, and voting. - http://www.vcil.org/
Vermont Developmental Disabilities Council - A consumer directed planning and advocacy organization primarily concerned with the community based service system that provides supports to people with developmental disabilities and their families. - http://www.ahs.state.vt.us/vtddc/