Dairy Farming in Vermont - Student essay from "The History Project" at Vergennes Union Middle School. - http://www.vuhs.org/project/farming.htm
Community-Supported Agriculture - List of farms supplied by the Vermont Department of Agriculture. - http://www.vermontagriculture.com/buylocal/buy/csa.html
Vermont Agriculture In The Classroom (AITC) - Creates educational networks that promote farms, food production, nutrition and resource management in communities. - http://www.vt-aitc.org/
Vermont Farmers Markets - Alphabetical Listing by City of Vermont markets. - http://www.ams.usda.gov/farmersmarkets/States/State06.pdf/Vermont.pdf
UVM Center for Sustainable Agriculture - Established in 1994 as a unit within the University of Vermont to integrate university and community expertise to promote sustainable farming systems throughout Vermont and the region. - http://www.uvm.edu/sustainableagriculture/
Vermont - The State of Agriculture - Farm facts at a glance. Published February 2002. Author: Neil Pelsue, UVM Extension. - http://www.uvm.edu/extension/publications/factsheets/agfs1/statofag.pdf
Agriculture: Its Land and People - Agricultural Factsheet #7 provided by Center for Rural Studies, University of Vermont. Authors: Neil Pelsue and Kate Finley-Woodruff. Prepared in January 1997. - http://www.uvm.edu/extension/publications/factsheets/agfs7/
Rural Vermont - Nonprofit farm advocacy group that represents those who are opposed to corporate industrial agriculture. Provides calendar of events and membership information. - http://www.ruralvermont.org/
Farms of the University of Vermont - Four agricultural production facilities that provide relevant research,educational and outreach opportunities. - http://www.uvm.edu/cals/farms/farms.htm
Land Link Vermont - A farm transfer program at the UVM Center for Sustainable Agriculture. - http://www.uvm.edu/landlinkvt/
Vermont Vegetable and Berry Page - University of Vermont Extension information and fact sheets for vegetable and berry growers. - http://www.uvm.edu/vtvegandberry/
Woman's Agricultural Network - Collaborative effort of the University of Vermont Extension System, the Women's Small Business Program, Center for Sustainable Agriculture, and the United States Department of Agriculture. - http://www.uvm.edu/~wagn/index.html
Vermont's Dairy Industry - Education and advocacy for the state dairy industry. - http://www.vermontdairy.com/
Northeast Organic Farming Association - Non-profit association of consumers, gardeners, and diversified farmers who work to strengthen agriculture in the state. - http://www.nofavt.org/