Champlain Valley Clayplain Forest Project - Information about research, conservation and restoration of the ecosystem unique to the clay plain formed by the glacial Lake Vermont and Champlain Sea. Clayplain forest formerly extended over 220,000+ acres, but is now very rare. -
Champlain Valley Greenbelt Alliance (CVGA) - Creates greenbelts along major road corridors in Vermont, with an initial focus on the Route 7 corridor from Shelburne to Middlebury. -
Northwest Vermont Solid Waste Management District (NWSWD) - Legislatively chartered Municipal Corporation charged with planning, implementing, and regulating waste management strategies for member communities. -
Lake Champlain Land Trust - A nonprofit organization that has conserved thousands of acres for public parks, wildlife habitats. -
Lewis Creek Association - Aims to enhance awareness of the Lewis Creek watershed and its connection to the local economy and community. -