Raven Ridge Designs - Provides design and development using Flash and JavaScript, e-commerce solutions, consulting, and site promotion services. - http://www.ravenridgedesigns.com/
Pete's Greens - An organic, four season vegetable farm. Provides wholesale information and farm history. - http://www.petesgreens.com/
Mutrux Surveys Inc. - Provides boundary surveys, topographic site plans, and title histories. Pricing and contact information. - http://www.mutruxsurveys.com/
Echo Hill Farm - Maple syrup producer. Provides product information, prices and shipping information. - http://www.calderwoodechohillfarm.com/
Vermont Bee Balm Company - Handmade all purpose balm for hands, body and lips. Product information, news and store locator. - http://www.vermontbeebalm.com/
Stardust Bookstore & Café - Satellite store of The Galaxy Bookshop. The store is staffed primarily by students from Craftsbury Academy. - http://www.galaxybookshop.com/NASApp/store/IndexJsp?s=newsletter