Whitesides Elementary School - Teachers list, information about the school, lunch menu, calendar of events, and classroom homepages. - http://www.davis.k12.ut.us/schools/whitesides/
Mountain View Elementary - Information about the school and its administration. Includes teachers' homepages. - http://www.davis.k12.ut.us/schools/mountainview/
Layton Elementary School - Faculty list with e-mail addresses, lunch and breakfast menus, parent's handbook, calendar of events, school hours and registration information, P.T.A., classroom homepages, and a message from the Principal. - http://www.davis.k12.ut.us/schools/layton/
King Elementary School - Calendar of events, faculty lists and e-mails, classroom homepages, and the lunch menu. - http://www.davis.k12.ut.us/schools/king/
North Layton Junior High - School newsletter, faculty, staff and student information, and an accelerated reader list. - http://www.davis.k12.ut.us/schools/nljh/
Crestview Elementary - School information, faculty and staff, daily schedule and events calendar. - http://www.davis.k12.ut.us/crestview/
Adams Elementary - School information, faculty list, daily schedule and events calendar. - http://www.davis.k12.ut.us/adams
Central Davis Junior High - School events calendar, information and links to departments. - http://cdjh.davis.k12.ut.us/
Northridge High School - Includes information on departments, graduation, clubs, sports, and events. Also faculty list, student services, and access to grades online. - http://nhs.davis.k12.ut.us/
Layton High School - Student and faculty information, class and events schedules. - http://lhs.davis.k12.ut.us/
Lincoln Elementary School - Staff list, school calendar, lunch menu, classroom homepages, internet field trips, curriculum, and student council page. - http://www.davis.k12.ut.us/lincoln/