Utah Cancer Foundation - Provides support, education, and care for patients and families dealing with the cancer experience. Includes calendar of events, news, and contact information. - http://www.utahcancerfoundation.org/
Affiliated Genetics, Inc. - Court-admissible paternity or screens for diagnostic, personal identification and twin zygosity. - http://www.affiliatedgenetics.com
Golden Years Consultants - Geriatric care management, consulting, advocacy, education and resources for seniors and their families. - http://www.goldenyearsconsultants.com/
Information and Referral Center - A non-profit charity organization working to feed hungry families, shelter abused victims, offer affordable health care, and eliminate homelessness. (Utah) - http://www.informationandreferral.org
HealthInsight - A private, non-profit group dedicated to improving health care systems. Includes information for medicare beneficiaries. - http://www.healthinsight.org
Community Nursing Services - Visiting nursing service, homemakers, home health aides, pediatric program and physical therapy. - http://www.cnsvna.org/
UTHealth.com - Offers health articles, directory of medical centers, health news, and "ask a Doc". - http://www.uthealth.com