T.C. Lenormand - Behavioral Dynamics - Hypnosis services include help with quitting smoking, weight loss, breaking bad habits and pain management. - http://www.hypnosishouston.com
Tejas Ashtanga Yoga - Offers daily classes for beginner to advanced skill levels. - http://www.houstonyoga.com/
Healing Touch Houston - Mary Somano, BS, CHTP, offers holistic services using the accreditied Healing Touch modality and Bach Flower Remedy consultations. Testimonials and contact information. - http://www.healingtouchhouston.com/
Biomedecine Research - David Bauman ND gives internet consults. - http://www.biomedresearch.net/
Longevity Centre of Houston - Offers treatments in anti-aging and skin care. - http://www.longevityhouston.com/
Hotze Health & Wellness Center - Discusses various programs of treatment available. - http://www.hotzehealth-wellness.com/
Creative Manifesting - Offers spiritual based Creative Life coaching. Provides articles, newsletter, and resources for singles. - http://www.creatavision.com/
The Ayurvedic Center - Offers information on herbs, nutrition, massage, astrology, polarity therapy, and postural integration. - http://www.holheal.com/
The Enhancement Institute - Offers a transpersonal approach oriented toward growth and development in addition to resolution of dysfunctional patterns. - http://www.enhancementinstitute.com/
Gilbert Manso, M.D. - Practices alternative holistic medicine at the Whole Health Center. - http://www.drmanso.com/
Odyssey to Wholeness - Services include dynamic forms of brief therapy integrating spirituality, energy work, and psychotherapy. - http://www.odysseytowholeness.com/
Bikram Yoga Houston - Yoga college. Includes schedule, fees, directions, and background information about group Bikram yoga classes. - http://bikramyogahouston.com/
Ashkee Tsouras - Ter-Mai Master Reiki practitioner. Includes biography, lineage, and newsletter. - http://www.ashkeesearthmedicine.com/