LMC Murals - Various mural styles including photographic trompe l'oeil effects. Also offer fine art, illustrations and portraits. - http://www.lmcmurals.com
Bush Gallery of the Pacific War at the Admiral Nimitz Museum - Recounts the military history of the Pacific War in World War II. Visitors walk through scenes of the Pacific War starting at the attack on Pearl Harbor and continuing through the surrender of the Japanese. - http://www.nimitz-museum.org/george_bush_gallery.htm
Nancy Reams Coon's Gallery - Based in Fredericksburg, Texas, Nancy draws from the historic rock architecture and unique landscape of the Texas Hill Country for much of her material. - http://texasbiz.com/profiles/nrc/index.html
Crow Abbey Workshops - Camera handling and darkroom training for individuals and small groups. Taught by Professor Charles DeBus. - http://www.crowabbeyworkshop.com/
Gillespie County Fair and Festivals Association - Includes information about county fair and other events, betting at horse track, and leasing the facilities. - http://www.gillespiefair.com/
Fredericksburg Oktoberfest - Celebrates the community's German heritage. Includes dates, hours, admission, entertainment, and gallery of photographs. - http://www.oktoberfestfredericksburgtexas.com/
Fredericksburg Theater Company - Community Theatre in Fredericksburg, in the Texas Hill Country. - http://www.fredericksburgtheater.org
Whistle Pik Art Galleries - Paintings and art work from well-known national and international artist. - http://www.whistlepik.com/