Dallas Arboretum Trial Gardens - Provides research information about plants and trial results to the public and the horticulture industry. - http://www.dallasplanttrials.org/
Dallas Master Gardeners - Includes contacts, newsletters, and gardening resources. - http://www.dallasmastergardeners.org/
Texas Discovery Gardens - Features acres of native and adapted plants. Also provides educational programs and activities including programs for school and youth groups, a butterfly habitat program, adult workshops, and free concerts. - http://www.texasdiscoverygardens.org/
The Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden - Features landscaped acres of trees, gardens, and lawns, with fountains, sculptures, and historic mansions. Site includes membership information, photos of each garden, and information about educational programs. - http://www.dallasarboretum.org/
Texas Astronomical Society - Society chartered in 1955 to promote the study of astronomy and related fields and to pursue observation and construction of instruments as a hobby. - http://www.texasastro.org/
Dallas Zoo - 8000 animals on 97 acres. Includes children's zoo. General information, zoo map, exhibit overview, class summary, special events, and conservation information. - http://www.dallas-zoo.org
North Texas Clean Air Coalition - Promote voluntary actions to help improve air quality in the North Texas Region. Features news, air pollution watch or warning status, and contact information. - http://www.northtexasair.org/