Underage Drinking Prevention - Education for parents: The Travis County Underage Drinking Prevention task force creates a community consensus that underage drinking is illegal, unhealthy, and unacceptable. - http://www.co.travis.tx.us/county_attorney/Underage_Drinking_Pgm/default.asp
First English Lutheran Child Development Center - Offers full-day, year-round care for children ages 18 months through 5 years. Includes information about curriculum and nutrition, with a virtual tour of the facilities. - http://www.1stenglish.org/CDC/
Publishers Resource Group - A company of educators creating curricula, assessments, and instructional tools for K-12 classrooms. - http://www.prgaustin.com/
Home Fries - An inclusive email list for homeschooled teens and children. - http://homefries.8m.com/
Child's Day - Preschool, kindergarten, and child development center. Includes information about accreditations and philosophy, programs and classes, fees, and employment. - http://www.childsday.com/
The Curriculum Project - Provides Curry Samara training and materials for educators. Includes a list of services and an online store. - http://www.curriculumproject.com/
Austin Academy - Non-profit that offers educational services for at-risk youth and economically disadvantaged adults. Includes calendar of events, list of services, volunteer and donation information, and a list of sponsors. - http://www.austinacademy.org/