Wise County Cemeteries - Names from graves, list and links, county maps, obituaries, and survey tips. - http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~drycreek/
The Political Graveyard - Information about politicians who were born, lived, or died in Wise County. - http://politicalgraveyard.com/geo/TX/WS.html
Miss Wise County Organization - Information on the current Miss Wise County and general information about the pageant. - http://www.misstexas.org/wisecty.htm
Wise County GenWeb - Genealogy site, includes queries, family histories, and marriage and census records. - http://www.rootsweb.com/~txwise/wise2.htm
Bishop, Tom for Constable - Candidate for Constable in Precinct 1. Includes information about qualifications, duties, and ways to get involved. - http://www.twbishop.com/