Oak Ridge Preschool - Public school program for three- and four-year-old children deemed at risk for learning due to disabilities, low economic status, English as a second language, or other causes. - http://preschool.ortn.edu/
Heritage PreSchool - Owned and operated by Heritage Fellowship Church. Includes ages, facility information, and contacts. - http://www.heritagepreschool.com/
Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education - Information about a variety of science and engineering education programs managed by ORISE and offered to university students, faculty, and postgraduates by the US Departments of Energy and Homeland Security, EPA, NSF, and others. - http://see.orau.org/
Oak_Ridge_Nursery_School - Nonprofit preschool for children from 18 months to pre-K. Information about history and philosophy. - http://www.discoveret.org/orns/
Scarboro Day Care Center - Offers a pre-school program and school-age after-school and vacation activities in the Scarboro neighborhood. Photos, program information, schedule, and other details. - http://www.discoveret.org/sdcenter/
Oak Ridge Institute for Continued Learning - Educational programs for older adults. Affiliated with Roane State Community College and the Elderhostel Network. - http://www.discoveret.org/oricl/
St. Mary's School - Catholic elementary school (pre-K to 8) in the Diocese of Knoxville, since 1950. Run by the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia of Nashville. Program description, registration forms, and other information. - http://www.stmarysoakridge.org/start/
Oak Ridge Public Schools Education Foundation - Nonprofit group providing private financial support to enrich student learning, encourage professional development, and enhance instructional programs in city schools. Includes information about past grants. - http://www.orpsef.org/
Oak Ridge High School - Public high school (grades 9-12) for the City of Oak Ridge. About policies, curriculum, staff, sports, and other school activities. - http://orhs.ortn.edu/
Oak Ridge Schools - Public school system: K-12 and preschool. Web site includes listings for individual schools. - http://www.ortn.edu/
Oak Ridge Science Semester - Semester-long research and study program (at ORNL) for undergraduate students, administered by Denison University and recognized by the Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM) and the Great Lakes Colleges Association - http://www.acm.edu/oakridge/