The Lowcountry Revolutionary War Trail - Ongoing historical research on the Lowcountry Revolutionary War Trail incorporating new information such as diaries and letters that continue to be found and added to the collections of museums, historic societies, and archives. -
Rotary District 7770 - Serves the areas around Charleston, Columbia, Myrtle Beach, Hilton Head, and Beaufort; find out about membership and club activities. -
Lowcountry Food Bank - Clearinghouse for donated food from food drives, manufacturers, distributors to feed the hungry, ill and needy. Read the mission statement of find out about programs, events, volunteer opportunities. -
Goodwill Industries of Lower South Carolina - Community resource for training and employment; read the mission statement, learn about initiatives, or find store locations. -
Lowcountry History - History of the region from 1791 through the end of the plantation era. -
Collapse of the Rice Culture - Read a history of this period by Christopher C. Boyle. -