Vietnam Helicopter Crew Member Association - National headquarters site for all Helicopter crewpersons who flew in Vietnam with reunion information, photos, unit information -
American GI Forum of the United States - Helps veterans with GI benefits and with finding employment. Also offers scholarships to Hispanics. -
Korea Defense Veterans of America - Serves active and former military personnel to bring respect, recognition and prestige to every member of the Armed Forces previously or currently stationed on occupation duty or in defense of the Republic of Korea since the end of World War II. -
Rolling Thunder, Inc. - To bring awareness of ongoing POW/MIA issues. Mission statement, history, list of officers and committees, membership information, events calendar, reports, newsletters, and photo gallery. -
Blinded Veterans Association (BVA) - Provides online resources and contact information for blinded personnel. Includes information on counseling, help in receiving rehabilitation and job placement. -
Vietnam Veterans of America - Founded in 1978, the VVA is dedicated to Vietnam-era veterans and their families. With membership information, legislative issues, press releases, links to recources on the web and upcoming events. -
Veterans Resource Network Association - Offering advocacy, discounts and education about Veterans Administration policy and benefits. -
US Military Liaison Mission Association - Association for veterans of the US Military Liaison Mission - USMLM - 1947-1990, Potsdam, East Germany. -
The National Infantry Association - Preserve Infantry heritage through support of the current National Infantry Museum and the construction of a new museum. -
National Association for Black Veterans, Inc. - A nationally certified Veterans Service Organization and a United States Department of Veterans Affairs claims representative. Works with the community to end homelessness, empower low-income and minority veterans and works with disadvantaged youth. -
Military Order of the Purple Heart - Congressionally chartered veterans organization exclusively for combat wounded veterans. Overview, history, reports, forms, scholarship information, and magazine. -
The Legion of Valor of the United States of America, Inc. - Recipients of the Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross, Navy Cross, and the Air Force Cross. Comprised of veterans of W.W.II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, and Somalia. -
Jewish War Veterans of the United States - Organization for veterans of the Jewish faith. Publications, news, overview of programs and events, membership details, and contact details. -
Italian American War Veterans Of The United States - Established to aid and assist veterans and their families, promote patriotism, civic welfare, and other objectives. Open to all U.S. war veterans. -
Iraq War Veterans Organization - Honors all coalition forces that participated in "Operation Iraqi Freedom". -
Disabled American Veterans - Support organisation for veterans, providing a nationwide network of services, free of charge to all veterans and members of their families. Provides details of the organisation, its activities and the services it offers. -
Cold War Veterans Association - Lobbies for veterans' benefits, educates the public about the Cold War, and provides a fraternal community for Cold War veterans. Press releases, news, and discussion forum. -
Chicano Veterans Organization - Addressing hemispheric business and politics, economic development, employment, and issues and concerns important to the national community of veterans. -
Catholic War Veterans of the U.S.A. - Organization's National Headquarters. National officers, activities, history, membership requirements and application. -
The Berlin Airlift Veterans Association - A non-profit organization of men and women who served on the Berlin Airlift from its beginning in 1948 until its termination in 1949. -
AMVETS, National Headquarters - The senior functioning administrative agency of the AMVETS organization. Information ranging from the latest news on Capitol Hill, the newest membership benefits, or the latest community relations programs. -
American Legion National Headquarters - Provides detailed information on issues such as female personnel, Agent Orange, Hepatitis and economic concerns. Provides contact information. -
American Gulfwar Veterans Association - Comprehensive site giving lots of information on gulf war illness, biological and chemical warfare, CFS, FMS, Vaccines, anthrax, mycoplasma, and Veteran support information. -
American Ex-Prisoners of War Organization - Information on entitlements, and medical research. Over 200 biographies of ex-POWs. Photos, stories and ads searching for former POWs. -