Rhode Island Family Court CASA - Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) for abused and neglected children. Offers an overview of the program, training schedule, and volunteer information. - http://www.courts.state.ri.us/family/casa.htm
Rhode Island Kids Count - Children's policy and advocacy organization that provides legislative information, publications, resources, and news. - http://www.rikidscount.org/
Girl Scouts of Rhode Island - Serves the entire state and a few adjoining communities. News and information about programs, camps, and other opportunities. - http://www.gsri.org/
Rhode Island 4H - Youth development program conducted by URI Cooperative Extension. News and information about the program, how to get involved, events, and competitions. - http://www.uri.edu/coopext/4H/
Prevent Child Abuse Rhode Island - Aims to prevent child abuse and neglect through education, advocacy and public awareness activities. Reporting laws, advocacy, programs, training, and activity calendar. - http://www.preventchildabuse-ri.org/