Dr. David J. Lenkewicz - Chiropractic physician treating personal injury. Includes credentials, information about treatments, insurance programs accepted, and state law regarding chiropractic. - http://www.auto-injury.net/
Santosha Yoga with Maya Breuer - Yoga classes, teacher training, retreats, and links to yoga products. - http://www.mayabreuer.com/
Eyes of the World Yoga - Offers instruction in Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Kripalu, and Bikram. Site includes instructor profiles, many photos, and details of schedules, pricing, policies, location, and parking. - http://www.innerhappiness.com/
Blackstone Massage Therapy Center - Holistic center for therapeutic massage and health education on the east side of Providence. Describes services for stress management, injury rehabilitation, deep tissue, pregnancy massage and infant massage instruction. - http://www.blackstonemassage.com