Great Plains Systems Research Unit - A research group of the USDA Agricultural Research Service. Responsible for developing and implementing simulations models, decision support systems, and other products aimed at improving agricultural systems. -
Upper Midwest Aerospace Consortium - An organization using NASA satellites remote sensing technology to provide environmental information to the people of the Great Plains and Rocky Mountain region. -
Bureau of Reclamation Great Plains Region - Government information on dams, reservoirs, hydrology, agrimet, hydropower, projects, and recreation in the Great Plains Region. -
Great Plains Institute for Sustainable Development - A non-profit organization serving the citizens of the Great Plains across many borders as they wrestle with issues affecting their communities, the productivity of economic enterprises, the quality of their environment, and the management of resources. -
Great Plains Restoration Council - Dedicated to restoring the ecological health of the North American Great Plains ecosystem, so that all native wildlife and ecological processes exist into perpetuity. Information about Buffalo Commons and the Million Acre Project provided. -