Sylvania Lodge Number 354 - Includes information on members, officers, past officers and events. -
Historical and Preservation Society of the Greater Shickshinny Area - Dedicated organization interested in preserving the history and heritage of Shickshinny and its surrounding communities, Hunlock Creek, Mocanaqua, Beach Haven, Sweet Valley, Red Rock, Cambra, and Huntington Mills. -
The History of the King Peter Orders - Shickshinny's involvement with the Order is included here. -
Shickshinny Borough - A brief history from the 1800's. -
Self-Styled "Orders of Saint John" - A secret rightwing group, the "Shickshinny Knights of Malta" (so called after their headquarters in Shickshinny, Pennsylvania) provided a home to dissident retired military officers dissatisfied with the CIA's internationalism. -