R.F. Ohl Fuel Oil - Family-owned and operated business that provides heating oil, kerosene, diesel fuel, propane, and motor oil. Additional products such as grills and generators. - http://www.ohlfueloil.com
Platz's Restaurant - Find a menu of the selections offered, hosting casual parties, gift cards, e news, and offers. - http://www.platzs.com
Lehighton Ford, Inc. - New and used vehicle dealer, specializing in Ford cars and trucks. Includes information on new models, warranties, financing, service, and parts. - http://www.lehightonford.com
Lehighton Lincoln - Mercury - New and used vehicle dealer. Includes information on new models, used vehicle warranties, location, hours of operation and events. - http://www.lehightonlincmerc.com/
Country Junction - Largest general store to the area. Find information about Service Team, the petting zoo, and a calendar of events, which includes The Great Pocono Pumpkin Festival. Locations in Lehighton, Quakertown, Wind Gap, Wilkes-Barre, and Hazleton. - http://www.countryjunction.com/