Oregon Department of Transportation History Center - Historical records, correspondence and photographs dating back to the late 1800's are stored at the ODOT History Center. - http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/CS/BSS/historycenter.shtml
Oral History Collection - The oral history program at OHS was established in 1976 to create, collect, and preserve sound-recorded documentation of Oregon history. - http://www.ohs.org/collections/oralhistory/
NAS Tillamook - History of this Naval Air Station on the Western coast of Oregon with historic timber blimp hangars. Home to a World War II lighter-than-air squadron. - http://www.nastillamook.org/
The National Railway Historical Society - The society is a non-profit organization which was formed in 1935 for historical and educational purposes. - http://www.nrhs.com/
Oregon Archaeological Society - Organizes forums for members to learn and discover Oregon's history by site tours, camp-outs, and supervised digs in the desert. - http://www.oregonarchaeological.org/
Oregon Electric Railway Historical Society - The mission is to preserve the regional heritage of electric railway transportation as a living resource for the benefit of the present and future generations. - http://www.trainweb.org/oerhs/
Pacific Railroad Preservation Association. - A non-profit, all-volunteer organization dedicated to restoring, maintaining, and operating historic railway equipment of the Pacific Northwest. - http://www.sps700.org/prpa.html
Fairview-Rockwood-Wilkes Historical Society - Stimulate an interest in and preserve the history of the Fairview, Rockwood, Wilkes areas of East Multnomah County Oregon. - http://www.frwhs.org
End of the Oregon Trail - Preserving culture and educating the public about the history, heritage, and spirit of the people at the end of the Oregon Trail. - http://endoftheoregontrail.org/
Oregon Historical Society - Preserving, collecting, and publishing Oregon's multicultural history through museum exhibitions, research collections, and publications. - http://www.ohs.org/