Oregon Flora Project - Resource for vascular plants of Oregon. Includes an online plant atlas, photo gallery, rare plant guide, and newsletter. - http://www.oregonflora.org/
Climate of Oregon - Narrative written by the State Climatologists and published by the National Climatic Data Center. - http://www.wrcc.dri.edu/narratives/OREGON.htm
Tillamook Forest Heritage Trust - A non-profit assisting the Oregon Department of Forestry with a capital and endowment fundraising campaign for the Tillamook Forest Interpretive Center. History and news provided. - http://www.tillamookforestcenter.org
Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries - Offerings include information on geologic and coastal hazards, oil and gas in Oregon, mined land reclamation, and the "Nature of the Northwest Information Center." - http://www.oregongeology.com
SOLV - Non-profit organization with programs and projects to enhance the livability of Oregon. Volunteer events can be searched by type, date or location. - http://www.solv.org/
Oregon Natural Desert Association - Exists to protect, defend, and restore High Desert lands and water from irresponsible livestock grazing, mining, and geothermal development. - http://www.onda.org/
Oregon Green School Association - Provides schools with information they need to set up and maintain successful waste reduction programs and to recognize schools for their waste reduction achievements. - http://www.oregongreenschools.org/
Native Plant Society of Oregon - A statewide network of 13 chapters and 1000+ members dedicated to the enjoyment, conservation, and study of Oregon's native vegetation. - http://www.npsoregon.org
Molalla RiverWatch, Molalla, Oregon, USA - A non-profit organization created to protect, preserve, and restore the quality of the Molalla River and its tributaries. - http://molallariverwatch.org
Friends of Opal Creek - This non-profit maintains and stewards the Opal Creek Educational Center. Facility allows organizations and educational groups to gather and experience forest wilderness. Seminars sponsored. - http://www.opalcreek.org
Association of Oregon Recyclers - Supports recycling policies and programs at the local and state level. Provides a network where recyclers can share knowledge and expertise. - http://www.aorr.org
The Oregon Biofuels Network - Coordinates advocacy efforts in support of biofuels (biodiesel and ethanol). Describes the fuels, their benefits, and announcements. - http://www.biofuels4oregon.org/
Oregon Soils - Information about NRCS soil mapping status for the state and access to soil survey reports available electronically. - http://www.or.nrcs.usda.gov/pnw_soil/
Looking for Oregon's Future: What is Sustainability? - An exploration of the definitions, issues, and efforts related to achieving environmental sustainability in the state. - http://oregonfuture.oregonstate.edu/
Oregon Toxics Alliance - Promotes reduction in unnecessary use of toxic substances, particularly toxic materials in commercial fertilizers. Includes information about fertilizer contaminants. - http://www.oregontoxics.org/
Walla Walla Basin Watershed Council - Nonregulatory group established to improve watershed quality in northeastern Oregon. Includes extensive stream and water quality data, information about fish passage issues, reports of current activities, and other information. - http://www.wwbwc.org/
Oregon CropMAP - Agricultural production statistics and recommended agricultural products for each county. - http://newcrop.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/cropmap/oregon/default.html
Wolftree - A charitable non-profit organization based in Portland, Oregon, providing educational programs in ecology. Field activities include studies of Cascade streams and mountain ecology. - http://www.beoutside.org/
The Coastal Landscape Analysis and Modeling Study (CLAMS) - Describes a multi-disciplinary research effort to analyze the ecological, economic, and social consequences of forest policies of in the Oregon Coast Range. Includes resource maps, data, publications and other information. - http://www.fsl.orst.edu/clams/
OSU Water Connection - Provides information on Oregon water and watershed topics. Also offers citizens access to Oregon State University scientists and extension agents. - http://waterconnection.orst.edu/
Umatilla Comprehensive Monitoring Program - Program to provide information on changes to the environment during the period of construction, operation, and closure of the U.S. Army Umatilla Chemical Demilitarization Facility in Oregon. - http://www.umatilla-cmp.org
Oregon Water Resources Department - Offers access to current stream flow data and studies of Oregon groundwater and surface water resources. - http://www.wrd.state.or.us/
The Great Blue Heron - An educational resource for Backyard Birders with information on The Columbia Slough in Portland, Oregon. - http://www.thegreatblueheron.com/