The Living Rock Studios - Museum and gift shop featuring Oregon art, rock paintings, miniatures, woodcarvings, pioneer and historical artifacts, crafts, art and Christian information. -
Mardac Consultants - Human resource consulting and training. -
Puddleduck Farm Heritage Sheep - Puddleduck Farm, founded 1974, devoted to primitive breeds of sheep; Jacob, Navajo-Churro and Shetland. -
Makindu Children's Program - Organization to improve the health, safety, education, and well being of orphaned and impoverished children in and around Makindu, Kenya, and through collaborative efforts, strengthen the larger community. -
Linn County Historical Museum - The museum holds collections and information representing all of Linn County. -
Eweberry Farms - A small family farm, producing berry jams and syrups. Products and descriptions, recipes, company profile, related links, contact details, and online shopping. -