On Our Own - Non-profit organization helping people with disabilities by providing community social services, meals and snacks, and supervised scheduled outside activities. - http://onourown.iwarp.com/
Albany Helping Hands - Homeless shelter sponsored by the contributions of churches, individuals, and businesses located in and around the Albany area. - http://www.albanyhh.org/
Willamette Community Church - Offering diversity, cultural relevance, holistic care, anointed teaching, and small group environments. - http://www.wccministries.com/
Democrat Herald, Albany - Oregon Mid-Willamette newspaper with commentary on local and international sports, politics, society, news events, weather, and food. - http://www.democratherald.com/
The Boston Mill Society - Working to preserve the Boston/Thompson mill properties as a center to interpret the agricultural, commercial, industrial, and social life of Oregon's Willamette Valley. - http://www.bostonmill.org/