Ranch Heights Elementary School - School calendar, educational philosophy, administration, location and contact information. - http://www.bps-ok.org/rh/
Richard Kane Elementary School - School information and calendar, special events, classroom pages, location and contact information. - http://www.bps-ok.org/kane/
Oak Park Elementary School - Upcoming events, student art gallery, library, location and contact information. - http://www.bps-ok.org/op/
Hoover Elementary School - Calendar of events, educational philosophy, hotline, student art gallery, and principal's page. - http://www.bps-ok.org/hoover/
Wayside Elementary School - Calendar of events, location and contact information. - http://www.bps-ok.org/wayside/
Woodrow Wilson Elementary School - Calendar and events, school mission, location and contact information. - http://www.bps-ok.org/wilson/
Osage Hills School - School pictures, publications, philosophy, and pictures, staff, board of education and contact information. PK-8. - http://www.osagehills.k12.ok.us/