Swan Creek Retirement Village - Retirement ranches, villas and apartments located on 34 acres of protected wetlands provides independent and assisted living, nursing services, and Alzheimer's care. - http://www.oprs.org/communities/Swan_Creek/Swan_Creek_Community.aspx?section=Communities
Lutheran Home at Toledo - Offers independent and assisted living, and extended nursing care services. - http://www.lutheranhomessociety.org/toledo.htm
Oakleaf Village - Provides an assortment of independent living, assisted living, and Alzheimers Communities in Columbus and Toledo. - http://www.oakleafvillage.com/
Eldercare Advocates - An in-depth resource center for elder care topics such as: geriatric care management, home health care options, estate planning, understanding medicare, coping with chronic illness, choosing a nursing home and many others. - http://www.eldercareadvocates.com/
Sunset Retirement Communities - A nonprofit organization provides a continuum of care for independent and assisted living. - http://www.sunsethouse.org/
Kingston HealthCare Company - The primary business of this company is to manage, own, and operate nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and retirement centers. - http://www.kingstonhealthcare.com/
HCR Manor Care - Corporate headquarters for the owner and operator of more than 500 long-term care centers, assisted living facilities, outpatient rehabilitation clinics and home health care offices in the US. - http://www.hcr-manorcare.com/