Middlefield Local News: Topix - Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web. - http://www.topix.com/city/middlefield-oh
The Geauga County Wind Ensemble - A professional, community based group, dedicated on bringing the arts to the community. - http://www.geaugamusic.com/gcwe.htm
Middlefield Chamber of Commerce - Promoting the civic, industrial, agricultural, business and social interest of the area. - http://www.middlefieldcc.com/
Middlefield Village - Includes the history, demographics and government organization. - http://www.geaugalink.com/townvill/mfdvill.html
Middlefield Township - Includes the history, demographics and government organization. - http://www.geaugalink.com/townvill/mfdtwp.html
Middlefield, Ohio - Official site provides information about the government, history, calendar, and services in the community. - http://www.middlefieldohio.com/
Geauga County Airport - Airnav provides complete aeronautical and operational information including location, runways, radio aids, fuel services and maintenance facilities, and links to lodging. - http://www.airnav.com/airport/7G8/