Louisville Local News: Topix - Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web. - http://www.topix.com/city/louisville-oh
Nimishillen Township Fire Department - Based in Louisville, this department protects Nimishillen Township. - http://departments.firehouse.com/dept/Louisville2OH/
Louisville Fire Department - Provides profile of department, list of stations and safety programs. - http://www.louisvilleohio.com/CityServices/fire.htm
Yoder Airport - Airnav provides aeronautical data for recreational airport including location, runways, radio aids and fuel services. - http://www.airnav.com/airport/6B2
Louisville Chamber of Commerce - Includes member list, business resources, event calendar, and membership application. - http://www.louisvilleohchamber.com/
City of Louisville, Ohio - Local guide providing business resources, community, and visitor information. - http://www.louisvilleohio.com/