Willis Middle School - Provides school overview and staff directory. - http://www.dcs.k12.oh.us/willisis/
Smith Elementary School - Provides faculty and school overview. - http://www.dcs.k12.oh.us/7531928812156/
Hayes High School - Provides calendar of events, staff directory, and athletic information. - http://www.dcs.k12.oh.us/hayeshs/
Conger Elementary School - Provides school overview and faculty information. - http://www.dcs.k12.oh.us/75319688121334/
Carlisle Elementary School - Includes school overview and staff directory. - http://www.dcs.k12.oh.us/7531478811946/site/
Buckeye Valley Middle School - Provides school overview, student spotlight, photo gallery, academic, and athletic information. - http://buckeyevalley.schoolwires.com/7316438313471/site/
Buckeye Valley High School - Provides staff directory, student spotlight, athletic, and academic information. - http://buckeyevalley.schoolwires.com/73164383134449/site/
Shultz Elementary School - Provides mission statement and staff directory. - http://www.dcs.k12.oh.us/75315588121421/site/default.asp
Woodward Elementary School - Provides mission statement and staff directory. - http://www.dcs.k12.oh.us/75313788121625/site/default.asp
The Talisman - Student newspaper for Hayes High School. - http://my.highschooljournalism.org/oh/delaware/dhs/
Delaware Christian School - Provides a discipleship ministry to Christian families and Bible believing churches of the community through academic education and extracurricular programs. - http://www.dcschool.org/