Ohio Long-Term Care Consumer Guide
- The Ohio Department of Aging provides information on over 1000 residential and nursing facilities to assist consumers and professionals in identifying long-term care services to meet individual needs.
- http://www.ltcohio.org/
LifeSphere - Provides services for older adults including retirement communities, senior centers, housing projects, and home health services. Includes list of locations and facilities mainly in southwestern Ohio. - http://www.lifesphere.org/
Zandex Health Care Corp. - Operates a number of long-term care and assisted living facilities in central, eastern and southeastern Ohio. Provides an overview of each along with directional maps. - http://www.zandex.com/
Rx for Ohio - Provides a search for over 1,400 medications in over 300 government, industry and privately-sponsored programs for patients who do not have prescription drug coverage or who are underinsured. - http://www.rxforohio.org/
Ohio Health Plan - Provides consulting and services to develop business plans for hospital based occupational health programs throughout the state. - http://www.ohpinc.com/
Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services - A nonprofit provider of continuing care retirement communities serves more than 2,700 residents in eleven locations across the state of Ohio. - http://www.oprs.org/
OhioHealth - A regional healthcare system that provides managed care services, and operates hospitals, primary care and off-site health facilities, as well as home care and other health-related businesses in 46 Ohio counties. - http://www.ohiohealth.com/