Butler County Environmental Data - Environmental information for developers. Linked from Ohio State Univ. Extension. - http://butler.osu.edu/
Butler County Recycling and Litter Prevention - Serves the in the areas of solid waste and litter prevention, providing public outreach, educational programs and recycling events. - http://des.butlercountyohio.org/
Butler Soil and Water Conservation District - Agency responsible for protecting the natural resources within the county that assists landowners in planning and applying conservation practices on their land. - http://www.butlercountyohio.org/conservation/
Butler County Ground-Water Resources - Factsheet providing information on ground-water resources in the county. Linked from Ohio State Univ. Extension. - http://ohioline.osu.edu/aex-fact/0490_09.html
Water Resources of Butler County - Factsheet providing information on water resources and drinking-water quality in the county. Lnked from Ohio State Univ. Extension. - http://ohioline.osu.edu/aex-fact/0480_09.html