Dale Trott - Former real estate agent discusses the industry. - http://www.homesfornh.com/
Cow Hampshire - Blog offering commentary about New Hampshire history, photography, current events, and humor. - http://cowhampshire.blogharbor.com/
Mountain Shadows - Offers lists of peaks bagged by site owners in New England and Adirondacks. Also has Northeast trivia quiz, weather links, and photos. - http://home.comcast.net/~daxlstone/
Winneside Lifestyles - Opinions and impressions of year-round living near Lake Winnipesaukee. - http://www.winnieside.com/
Goffstown Soapbox - Offers commentary on local, state, and national political issues. - http://goffstownsoapbox.blogspot.com
NHSouth - Craft ideas and plans, photos, and free postcards. - http://www.nhsouth.com/
Margo Burns - Biographical information on Armstrong Wells Sperry. Links to her other interests: cats, colonial history, Salem witchcraft trials, charity fundraising, and random quotes about photography. - http://www.ogram.org/