Heart of NH Websites - Community and business directory for the Pemigewasset and Baker River Valley areas. Information grouped by topic, including businesses, outdoors, visitor guide, communities, schools, real estate, and the arts. - http://www.heartofnh.com/
NH Living - Directory of attractions, recreation, lodging, entertainment, services, dining, and events, sorted by region. - http://www.nhliving.com/
New Hampshire dot com - Offers events calendar, visitor resources, and local news. - http://www.newhampshire.com/
50states - New Hampshire - Facts and statistics about the state, with links for more information on each topic. Links to official town websites. - http://www.50states.com/newhamps.htm
DirectoryNH - Extensive list of links to online businesses, services, and organizations; dining, travel, government, and education sites. FAQs, related links, and greeting cards. - http://www.directorynh.com/
NH.com - An information portal with columnists, news, business and travel directories, photo galleries, visitor guides, and maps. - http://www.nh.com/