Elwood, Nebraska - Information includes listing of local businesses and links to web sites for the town, and history. - http://www.elwoodnebraska.com/
CASDE | Elwood -- Gosper County - In its early days provided a railroad terminal with a roundhouse. Contains a history of the town and photographs. - http://casde.unl.edu/history/counties/gosper/elwood/
Uphoffs Boer Goats - Offers registered fullblood and percentage nannies and buck leasing services. Includes animal descriptions, photographs, and location map. - http://www.mduphoffboergoats.com/
Elwood Public Schools - Pirates student news, faculty and staff list, and calendar of events. - http://www.esu11.org/elwood/elwhome.html
Captain's Quarters Marina - Specializes in Polaris watercraft sales, service and rentals. Also, carries trailers, shore stations and docks. Includes list of products, specials and locator map. - http://captains.biz/
Nebraska Land and Cattle Agency, Inc. - Real estate company specializing in farm and ranch real estate sales in the Nebraska Panhandle and South Dakota. - http://www.nelandcattle.com