Families First - A nonprofit organization committed to strengthening families by providing childrearing information, guidance, and support to parents of all backgrounds and life circumstances. - http://www.familiesfirstmt.org/
The Missoula Forum for Children & Youth - A venue for policy makers, teachers, families and youth to work towards good practices in developing a healthy community and youth. - http://www.missoulaforum.org/
Missoula Law Enforcement Memorial - Honoring law enforcement officers who lost their lives in the area. - http://www.policestar.com/memorial
Missoula Food Bank - Responding to the emergency food needs of the hungry, and working to reduce the incidence of hunger and its effects on the community. - http://www.missoulafoodbank.org/
Jeannette Rankin Peace Center - Works to connect and empower people to build a socially just, non-violent, and sustainable community and world. Calendar of events, issue information, resources, and action alerts. - http://www.jrpc.org/
A New Song - A non-profit center offering resources for people coping with crisis including suicide, bereavement, depression, divorce, and elder care. - http://www.anewsong.org/
CASA of Missoula - Court appointed advocates for children needing special placement outside the traditional home setting. Includes program history and how to volunteer. - http://www.missoulacasa.org/
Ronald McDonald House of Missoula - A non-profit organization needing help and support to make magic happen for children and their families. - http://www.rmhmissoula.org/
Habitat for Humanity of Missoula - Non-profit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry, working in partnership with people in need, to build and renovate decent affordable housing. - http://www.habitatmsla.org