Butte Healing Arts Center - Naturopathic practice providing acupuncture, chelation, and ozone therapy. - http://www.buttehealingarts.com/
Paul Clark Home - A charity that provides an affordable place to stay close by St. James Community Healthcare for visitors tending to relatives who are patients. - http://www.paulclarkhome.org
St. James Health Care - This health care center is the largest single source of medical care in Butte. - http://www.sjh-mt.org/
Blacktail Creek Therapeutics - Massage and day spa that offers a variety of therapeutic treatments for body, mind, and spirit. - http://www.butteamerica.com/spa.htm
Butte Orthopedics - This is a practice with four orthopedic surgeons in Butte, Montana. - http://www.butteortho.com
Dr. Peter M. Sorini - Neurosurgeon with a practice in Butte, Montana. - http://www.drpetersorini.com/