Mississippi HistoryNow
- Featuring articles on topics of Mississippi history, sponsored by the Mississippi Historical Society and the Mississippi Department of Education.
- http://mshistory.k12.ms.us/
American Experience | Fatal Flood - Film chronicals personal experiences and race based conflicts in the Delta during the 1927 flood. Includes special features, timeline, maps, and teacher's guide. - http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/flood/
Vardaman's Weekly Online - Selections from weekly broadsides published by Governor James K. Vardaman in the early 1900s. - http://www.hhtc.org/vw
Flags Flown Over Mississippi - Pictures and descriptions of eight flags that have flown over the state as well as the text of the state Pledge of Allegiance. - http://www.its.state.ms.us/et/portal/MSFlags/flags.html
State of Mississippi Symbols - Detailing the legislative designation of the official state flower, tree, bird, flag, fish and animals, as well as displaying the state coat of arms and the lyrics to the official state song. - http://www.its.state.ms.us/et/portal/MSSymbols/symbols.htm
Mississippi Heritage Research and Preservation League - General overview of Mississippi history, including links to other resources for geneological research and historical documentation. - http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ms/state
Ancient Architects of the Mississippi - Information on the mound builders of the lower Mississippi River Valley from the National Park Service. - http://www.cr.nps.gov/aad/feature/feature.htm
Mississippi Department of Archives and History - Including information on the department, archives, museums operated by the department, historic preservation initiatives, records management, and publications information. - http://www.mdah.state.ms.us/
Mississippi Historical Society - Dedicated to preserving the states history. - http://www.mdah.state.ms.us/admin/mhistsoc.html
Mississippi Historical Societies - Locate address information (including web site links) to historical societies in each county within the state. - http://www.daddezio.com/society/hill/SH-MS-NDX.html