Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party
- Effectively the state chapter of the US Democratic Party. Result of the 1944 merger of the Minnesota Democratic Party and the Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party (f. 1919). Official web site.
- http://www.dfl.org/
A Bluestem Prairie - Blog keeps up with news in Minnesota's First Congressional District. - http://www.bluestemprairie.com/
A Political Life - Martin J. McGowan, Jr., recalls a life in Minnesota politics, first in the regular Democrats, then with the DFL. Governor Benson was a family friend. - http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~mcgowan/Dadstory/Political.htm
Second Congressional District DFL - Description and maps of the district south of the Twin Cities, elected officials in the district who are DFLers, slate of candidates for state and national office, upcoming events, news, volunteer opportunities, links. - http://www.dflcd2.org/
DFL Education Foundation - Advancing Progressive Ideas in Minnesota's Democratic-Farmer-Labor tradition. - http://www.dfleducationfoundation.org/
Stonewall DFL - An official caucus of the Minnesota DFL. Champions the view that civil rights do not depend on sexual orientation, gender identity, or family structure. - http://www.stonewalldfl.org/