Minnesota Renaissance Festival - Official web site. Schedule, photos, contact information. - http://renaissancefest.com/MRF/
Trail of Terror - Indoor maze, hayride, and haunted house. Weekends the second half of October. Dates and hours, ticket information, map and directions. - http://www.trailofterrorfest.com/
Louisville Township Topographic Map - Shows land features as well as roads in Louisville and Jackson Townships. - http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/maps/tomo.html?x=454525.0000&y=4954815.0000&size=3&layer=100k
Louisville Township Area Map - Shows where Louisville Township is situated in the Twin Cities area. - http://tiger.census.gov/cgi-bin/mapsurfer?infact=2&act=out&outfact=1.5&on=CITIES&on=indian&on=majroads&on=miscell&on=places&on=interstate&on=statehwy&on=ushwy&tlevel=-&tvar=-&tmeth=i&mlat=44.74533&am