Evansville Local News: Topix - Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web. - http://www.topix.com/city/evansville-mn
Calvary Covenant Church - Evangelical Covenant Church. Description of ministries and schedule. - http://www.calvarycovenantchurchevansville.com/
AccuWeather: Evansville, MN - Current conditions, 15-day weather forecast, wind chill or heat index. - http://wwwa.accuweather.com/forecast.asp?zipcode=56326
Christina Lake Lutheran Church - ELCA congregation, with Sunday school and vacation Bible school. - http://www.elca.org/ScriptLib/OS/Congregations/cdsDetail.asp?congrno=05359
Johnson Harvesting - Custom harvesting throughout the Midwest and Great Plains. Includes services, history, employment, harvest update, and photographs. - http://www.johnsonharvesting.com/
Evansville Area Map - Shows where Evansville is in relation to Fergus Falls and Alexandria. - http://maps.yahoo.com/py/maps.py?Pyt=Tmap&YY=3057&city=Evansville&state=MN&slt=46.0142&sln=-95.7023&mlt=46.0069&mln=-95.6838&mag=6&cs=5&newmag=5