Glen Avon Lodge - Masonic lodge. Information on upcoming events. -
Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank - Serves agencies in Northeastern Minnesota and Northwestern Wisconsin. Includes hunger facts, calendar of events, newsletter, and volunteer opportunities. Part of the America's Second Harvest network. -
Lighthouse for the Blind - Provides services and training for people who are blind, visually impaired, or deafblind in the region. Adaptive vision aids are also for sale. -
Duluth Public-Policy Alliance - Citizens working for open government and responsible planning. Newsletters, articles, and calendar of events. -
Duluth Area Green Party - Local chapter of the Green Party of Minnesota. Values and bylaws, how to join, some local contacts, and archived news and commentary about environmental issues and political activism. -
Dads and Daughters - Organization of men with daughters. Provides tools to build relationships. Current project confronts Western culture's valuing girls only for superficial aspects such as body weight and appearance. -
Animal Allies Humane Society - Non-profit organization dedicated to finding homes for cats, dogs and rabbits. Includes photos of available animals, success stories, and newsletters. -