Episcopal House of Prayer - Retreat house in wooded setting, near two monasteries. - http://www.csbsju.edu/sjuphysicalplant/episprayer.html
Interfaith Sexual Trauma Institute - ISTI was established to address the problem of sexual abuse by clergy. The Institute promotes healing for victims, offenders, and faith communities, and works to prevent abuse. The organization holds an annual conference. - http://www.csbsju.edu/isti/
Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research - Resident scholars program promotes serious research, reflection, prayer, and dialogue on the mission of the Church in today's world. - http://www.csbsju.edu/iecr/
Monks' Websites - Web pages maintained by some of the monks of St. John's Abbey. Not all are personal pages; some are work-related. - http://www.sja.osb.org/monks.html