Minnesota Film and TV Board - Promotes Minnesota as a production site for film and video. The Board publishes an annual production guide listing Minnesota freelancers in all areas related to film and video. - http://www.mnfilmtv.org/
Minnesota Woodworkers Guild - A group of professional and amateur woodworkers bound together by three goals: to educate themselves and the public about woodworking, to socialize and explore woodworking, and to advocate high standards in their art. - http://www.mnwwg.org/
Mankato, Minnesota - Read all about the underwater city, the Sibley Park Hot Springs, the great Mankato pyramid, and whale-watching on the Minnesota River. Not affiliated with Mandota University, which offers the P.M.S. and L.S.M.F.T. degrees. - http://descy.50megs.com/mankato/mankato.html
Southwest Minnesota Arts & Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization promoting the arts in Minnesota's Regions 6E, 6W, and 8. Includes Mid-Minnesota and the Upper Minnesota Valley. Site is graphics-dependent. - http://www.smahc.org/
Minnesota Humanities Commission - Nonprofit grant-making organization affiliated with the National Endowment for the Humanities. Promotes the study of the humanities and the work of cultural organizations in the state. Their programs, events calendar. - http://www.minnesotahumanities.org/
Minnesota Citizens for the Arts - A statewide arts advocacy organization that organizes the arts community to lobby the State Legislature and Congress. The mission is to ensure opportunity for all people to have access to and involvement in the arts. - http://www.mtn.org/mca/
ArtsConnectEd - A collaboration between the Walker Art Center and the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, intended as a resource for K-12 teachers and students throughout the state. Lesson plans and online activities mapped to Minnesota Graduation Standards. - http://www.artsconnected.org/
Unified Vision: The Architecture and Design of the Prairie School - A guide to The Architecture and Design of the Prairie School collection at The Minneapolis Institute of Arts. Profiles of architects, virtual tour of the Purcell-Cutts House, and information about Prairie Style buildings throughout Minnesota. - http://www.artsmia.org/unified-vision/
Minnesota Society for Interest in Science Fiction and Fantasy (MISFITS) - Parent organization for the CONvergence convention in Minnesota, and sponsors other activities of interest to science fiction fans throughout the year. Site also has SF reviews and commentary. Twin Cities-based. - http://www.misfit.org/
Minnesota Center for Book Arts - Aims to advance the book as a vital contemporary art form, preserving the traditional crafts of bookmaking and engaging people in learning, production, interpretive and collaborative experiences. Frames-dependent site. - http://www.mnbookarts.org/
Minnesota State Arts Board - Government agency dedicated to enriching the cultural lives of all Minnesotans. - http://www.arts.state.mn.us/
Applauze - Southern Minnesota's arts and entertainment monthly magazine. Covers Mankato, St. Peter, New Ulm, Waseca, Owatonna, Kasota, Faribault, Rochester, and the South Metro. - http://www.applauze.com/