Michigan Family Forum - Lansing-based conservative private, non-profit research and education Christian organization promoting policies that allow families and religious leaders the freedom to perform their critical functions - http://www.michiganfamily.org/
Michigan Concealed Gun Owners - A group with discussions of firearms issues, reform legislation, and elections at the State and Federal levels. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MCGO/
Save our Shoreline - Association of Michigan coastal landowners opposing government environmental controls. Organizational information, contact information. - http://www.saveourshoreline.org/
Michigan Christians for Life - Non-denominational and non-violent, MCL provides an opportunity to unite together, in prayer, for the success of pro-life efforts throughout the world. - http://www.nonprofitpages.com/mcfl/
The Justice Caucus - Fighting to restore fairness to the Michigan Supreme Court. - http://www.justicecaucus.org
Right to Life of Michigan - Pro-life resources for pregnant or post-abortive women, plus information on cloning, abortion, euthanasia, infanticide, or other life and death issues. - http://www.rtl.org/