Pontiac Northern High School - Huskie Brigade - Team site for the FIRST Robotics Competition and Pontiac Northern High School's team, the Huskie Brigade. - http://www.huskiebrigade.com/
Jefferson/Whittier Middle School - Information about the curriculum, staff and school calendar. - http://www.pontiac.k12.mi.us/Jefferson/
Midwestern Baptist College - Information about the college, academics, admissions, campus life, correspondence schooling and registration. - http://midwesternbaptistcollege.com/
Pontiac Central High School - Forum and team site for the FIRST Robotics Competition and Pontiac Central High School's team, Chief Delphi. - http://www.chiefdelphi.com/
Pontiac School District - District news, administration contact information, and resources for parents, students, and faculty. - http://www.pontiac.k12.mi.us/