Sy Ellens, Landscape Painter - Gallery of paintings, both large and miniature, which have been accepted and received awards in many national and international juried art shows. -
Kalamazoo Dance - Promotes all forms of ballroom dancing and host regular dances. Dance schedules. A member of the United States Amateur Ballroom Dance Association. -
New Vic Theatre - Non-profit theatre. Upcoming productions, box office information, New Vic's history, and audition information. -
Miller Auditorium - Auditorium for touring Broadway shows, as well as concerts, conventions and special programs. Home of the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra and numerous WMU School of Music programs. -
The Club Soda - Events calendar and history of this venue with acts that range from Alternative to Jazz, Blues to Hard Rock. -
Broadway Revisited - A National Public Radio program featuring the words and music of the American theater. -
Arts Council of Greater Kalamazoo - Supports, promotes and funds the arts in Kalamazoo County. The members include arts organizations, individual artists and arts lovers. -