Hell, Michigan - Census, geography, and demographic information for the city. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell,_Michigan
Kiwanis Club - Information about upcoming events, fundraising, and service projects. - http://www.michigankiwanis.org/hell/index.asp
Dam Site Inn - Offers live bands every Friday and Saturday. Online menu. - http://damsiteinn.bizhosting.com/
Hell Creek Ranch - Includes information on camping and horseback riding facilities. - http://hellcreekranch.allhell.com
Stranded in Hell - A script for a play about a frustrated theater professional that ends up in Hell Michigan. - http://vherbert.com/hell.htm
Dances With Dirt - 100 K Trail Relay, 100k, 50m, 50k Ultra off road running, includes online registration, accommodations, trail details and event schedules. - http://www.danceswithdirt.com/
Michael Katon - Blues guitarist from Hell, Michigan. Tour dates, links, and contact information. - http://www.katon.com/
Damnation University - Order your customized degree from Damnation University, in Hell, Michigan. - http://www.damu.com/
Hell, Michigan Collectibles - Unique gifts and collectibles, clothing, and special events. Glassware, stoneware, motorcycle and automotive accessories and authentic containers of dirt from Hell. - http://www.hell2u.com