Cement City Local News: Topix - Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web. - http://www.topix.com/city/cement-city-mi
Miller Elementary School - Grades K-5 public school, includes curriculum, faculty, athletics, fund raisers, and student handbook. - http://www.csd.k12.mi.us/MES/index.htm
Irish Hills H.O.G. Chapter #2194 - Harley owners' group, includes meeting dates, group riding guidelines, photographs, and awards. - http://www.irishhillshog.org/
Cement City - Detailed profile, including the geography, average climate, and demographics of the community. - http://www.city-data.com/city/Cement-City-Michigan.html
Larry's Body Shop - High-tech equipment and down-draft temperature controlled spray booth. - http://www.larrysbodyshop.com