Dawson Elementary - Special events, faculty information, mission statement and links to sites for children and educators. - http://www.alleganpublicschools.org/daw/
Pine Trails Elementary - Daily schedule, important dates, lunch menus, school calendar, PTO and staff information. - http://www.alleganpublicschools.org/pt/
Allegan Alternative High School, South Ward - Offers a daytime alternative high school program for students in grades 9-12, vocational education, adult education, GED and high school completion classes, and GED testing. - http://www.alleganpublicschools.org/sw/
West Ward Elementary - Daily schedule, school calendar, honor roll, important dates, lunch menus, PTO, fundraising, and staff information. - http://www.alleganpublicschools.org/ww/
North Ward Elementary - Daily schedule, school calendar, honor roll, important dates, lunch menus, PTO and staff information. - http://www.alleganpublicschools.org/nw/
Allegan High School - Information includes a newsletter, daily announcements, school calendar, staff and counseling department, sports program, performing arts, library media center , recreation, and construction updates. - http://www.alleganpublicschools.org/allhs/
Allegan Public School District - Board of education, administration, newsletter, school calendar, sports, recreation, performing arts, links to schools, special education program, transportation and information. - http://www.alleganpublicschools.org/