Michigan Primary Care Association - An association to promote, support, and develop comprehensive and accessible primary health care services for all residents. - http://www.mpca.net/
Michigan Association for Local Public Health - Liaison between all local health departments and state and federal branches of government; policy incubator and advocate for public health initiatives. - http://www.malph.org/
Michigan Immunodefiency Foundation - A non-profit corporation that provides information and resources on primary immune deficiency diseases. Dedicated to improving the diagnosis and treatment through research and education. - http://www.midf.org/
Michigan State Medical Society - Represents over 14,000 physicians in the state of Michigan. Offers information on topics such as legislation, physician advocacy, patient advocacy, and medical education. - http://www.msms.org
Michigan Podiatric Medical Association - Comprehensive list of podiatrists throughout Michigan. Locate your area on the map and link to podiatrists in your area. - http://www.mpma.org/
Michigan Environmental Health Association - Promoting health and food safety issues. Membership application, calendar of events, discussion group, and committee information. - http://www.meha.net